Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quiet reflections on a decade & year

I think somewhere before Christmas, I attempted to rehash how the last decade was for me. All I can say is that it's been a decent last 10 years. I got married, lost my grandfather, finished Grad school, got fired from a job, became a licensed therapeutic ninja, saw my baby brother get married, battled health problems, and opened my own business. Many friendships have come and gone, mainly due to me being more aware of the type of people I'd like in my life. Health problems have waxed and are hopefully waning.

At this point in my life, I'm probably the fittest that I've ever been. I am thrilled to say that I teach H20 aerobics. I do jazzercise, and take Anusara Yoga classes as often as I can. Hopefully, 2010 will find me participating in a 5K or doing something else that I've wanted to do and dreamt about.

My work is abundant and challenging. My personal life is rich with friends that understand me and are patient and kind. My family members bring joy. My husband brings laughter and companionship that nourishes me in ways I could never have imagined.

So in my yoga class today, I was thinking about intention. What's my intention for the upcoming year? The words that I came back to were "abundance" and "joy". With my fiber diet starting tomorrow, and a new year ahead of me, I hope to remember the wealth and abundance that I have around me. And who couldn't use more joy?

So, I wish you all a new year full of abundance and joy, fiber-filled, kindness-filled, laughter-filled joy!


Courtney said...

Happy New Year!!

Debbie T said...

So, if your fiber diet doesn't start until tomorrow, you still have time to do some online ordering tonight! I'm so bad. :=)

Dawn said...

Happy New Year! May 2010 bring you many wonderful memories!