Thursday, April 2, 2009

Foolin' the hubs

In this household, I am typically the one who gets fooled. But yesterday, I came up with something clever and it actually worked. Here is a snap shot:

Fru: (on her personal cell phone to Cooter): Honey, do we have phone insurance on my work phone?

Cooter: (pauses): No, why?

Fru: Well, I was texting and dropped my business cell in the toilet.

Cooter: (longer pause): What were you doing texting in the bathroom?

Fru: You know I'm a multi-tasker. I was being tasky!!!

Cooter: Well, no, we don't have insurance on your phone & I guess it's just one more thing we've got to come up with money for now....

Fru: (feeling sheepish now): Cooter, guess what?

Cooter: What?

Fru: April Fool's!!!!! teheheheeheheh..buwhwhahaahahaha..I got you! I got you! I never get you! I got you!!

Cooter: Yes, got me.

Sometimes I think I'm the luckiest girl on the planet to have someone who puts up with me and my sillyness.


cannamoma said...


Unknown said...

LOL, that is terrible!!

puggerhugger said...

ya thats a good one, fru