Friday, May 21, 2010

oh holymaryjoseph!

Happy Belated Friday!

Today's blog is brought to you by this knitting Mary tote that JanaBananaPunkinPants found and I took from her!

So I'm uber stoked b/c my order from Lush arrived today:
  • 2 Happy Hippy Patchouli Pits solid deodorant
  • 2 Ickle Baby Bot bath bombs
  • Mint Julip Lip pron!
All handmade, yummy stuff.

Went by Hobby Lobby and got some yarn pron to make a meditation shawl for the AAP Arts & Crafts auction. Hung out w/ Grammy, visited my dear friend Lu, and came home to crash for a bit. Decided to modify my BareNekkid Lacies that I'm doing with the MamaLlama yarn to do a lace cuff at the top and then plain vanilla on the rest.

Okay off to blow up stuff in WoW!

1 comment:

Debbie T said...

Hope you have a great weekend, fru!!