Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BonnyBlu shows up & everybody wins!!

Oh snap, whilst coming home from Jazzercise this AM and chatting w/ JanaBananaPunkinPants, I realized that my BonnyBlu Keurig Coffee maker had been delivered!! Squee!!!

here are some pics b/c her arrival, and yes, I know i changed her name, was a boon to everyone in the house. See?
She came packaged in Styrofoam containers that are perfect for JiJi sitting & cleaning.

And Nana hatching!
Here's me, having my first cup o' coffee from BonnieBlu. Mind you, I'm coming back from Jazzercise and I look like a hawtmess.

BonnieBlue Coffee Badazz


cannamoma said...

swwwweeettt! you look so great too btw! <3 You !

Dawn said...

You look great! Love your new name too for your scrumptious machine! Kitty divas like their new toys too!:) love and hugs