Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cultivating Kindness & Curiosity

My mother in law was kind enough to get me a calendar for Christmas that features daily statements about kindness. This one hits home today,

Everyone is someone's child

I try very hard to remember this when I have the urge to send hate mail to Michael Vick. I am also working on practicing this when I get snarky iTunes reviews. Yes, I saw a review that was critical of how I pronounced "crochet". Immediately, I went off to sleuth around and to find this person on Ravelry, and then prepare a response..but then..I waited...and waited...

And the idea of "less judgement, more curiosity" came to me, and then the idea of "kindness".

I am curious that someone could so confidently have a reaction and label my pronunciation of "crotchet" to mean that the user (me) doesn't know how to correctly pronounce the word.

I am curious about it is that people can make up their minds so confidently with little background information?

I am aware that I do this too. I do this with things I observe, ideas that I have, issues that I cannot be neutral on.

I've started telling the people that I work with that I am inherently human and inherently curious. I like curiosity, I think it keeps me teachable.

So dear readers, stalkers, snarkers, and oh-so-patient family members, what will you do today to foster curiosity and kindness?


Mama Lisa said...

I love this post!! Thank you Fru for reminding me (once again) that I need and want to stay curious! It makes the work so much easier, no??

Dawn said...

I love how you say "crotcheting" I die laughing all the time! Things like that aggravate me too, ug. They should learn the concept if you don't have nothing to say don't say nothing at all! little rant!:)

love ya

Debbie T said...

Great post, fru! It amazes me the things people let bother them. You just keep on keepin' on...I love everything about your podcast!!!