Thursday, December 11, 2008

In which Mama's brownies save the day!

So I'm feeling a lot better..much better actually b/c it doesn't hurt to breathe.

I worked today and beyond feeling a bit tired, I am on the mend. Bloodwork came back normal and while I may never know what caused my lower back to swell..I will not resume h20 aerobics until next Monday, I promise.

Anyhoo..I've been up to the grocery store every day this week to visit the pharmacy. In addition to needing meds for my gimpyness, Betterhalf has medication needs too..but the doctor's office has been uber slack in holding up their end of the bargain.

Anyhoo...I went this evening and was prowling around the bakery section, looking for something to get into....Now, coming from a girl with a torrid past affair with Hostess, and other sugary sweet deviants..this could have been every ugly..think U-G-L-Y....but nothing spoke to me.

So I returned home, and found a lone brownie that Mama sent home with us after Sunday dinner. So I had my chocolate fix with a glass of milk and am all better now.

1 comment:

cannamoma said...

yum ! can't wait to see you !