Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm okay

Ya know....the damnedest thing happens when you blog...people track you down on Facebook and ask you if you're okay?

Yes, I'm okay. I'm resting.

The cause of my meltdown this week: financial stress, poor planning on my part, and inability to communicate effectively without sounding like I had Tourette's. Right now, I'm getting ready to go get my hair cut with BoyFru.

Grammy is helping me finish up my first purse. It shall be named: Wendy's Grammy Bag in honor of my Grams..who taught me how to make an "I" cord today.

1 comment:

cannamoma said...

i like it, it's cute.. umm but it reminds me of beanie hat.... could you mae me a beanie hat !? love you see you REAL SOON !