Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Word of the day: apnea

As in, this evening, Fru goes for her sleep study to determine if she has sleep apnea, a condition that causes you to lose oxygen while you sleep thus leaving you to wake up feeling cranky and fatigued. woot!!

Not really sure what to expect but I'm feeling much better since Dad explained to me what happened at his study. If I have apnea, it will explain why I am tired a lot. If I don't, then we've ruled it out and I can go on my merry way and wait for my other test....

The test to determine if I have Cushing's Syndrome. I've called the endocrinologist's office twice and haven't heard a peep from them. So I'm guessing that either my blood work isn't back or the Dr. hasn't looked at it yet to be able to tell me what's what. I kind of flaked last week and didn't do the best job of working out or eating well. I'm happy to report that I'm back on track now.

Yesterday, I did a major overhaul in the house. I cleaned out the back utility room and threw a lot of stuff away. I also managed to clean out one of the the hall closets and have a big box of stuff to go to Goodwill in the trunk of my car. I dislike clutter so I'm always looking for stuff to get rid of and donate. The girls and I also managed to change the bag in the vacuum cleaner and vacuum the family room and mop the kitchen floor. We were very productive before I went to work and in the words of Martha Stewart, that's a good thing.

Okay, I'm off to go window shop at Ebay. I'm really into these now: Yankee Candle Car Gels.
I have Lemon Lavendar in my car & Clean Cotton in the bathroom. Smell good, smell good!

1 comment:

cannamoma said...

sounds like someone is in a chipper mood. at lesae one of us are.. Hope the sleep thing goes well and its always nice to have a good smelling car, mine on the ohter hands needs to be cleaned out majorly ! I hope I get in a better mood today!
take care!