Sunday, April 20, 2008


I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend thoroughly. My weekend has been especially delightful. Here are the highlights:
  • On Friday, I got a massage and had lunch with betterhalf at Habatchi Tama. Then I met up with KayKay and BabyJules at Old Navy to replace my tee shirt collection. Then we went for a walk for an hour. It was grand!
  • Saturday I puttered around. Played lots of WoW, ran to the grocery store, and read my book.
  • Today has been a good one. Papa is home from the hospital and recovering from his mini-stroke. I've played some WoW and done some work.
I'm hoping the week ahead goes well. I have my sleep study on Tuesday night to determine if I have sleep apnea. I'm also hoping that sometime this week, I'll get word on my bloodtest to figure out what is going on. Regardless of the results, I will get through it. So I'm getting back on track and just planning for an ordinary week.

Oh, and look at the cute things I found on QVC:

1 comment:

cannamoma said...

all in all soundslike the perfect weekend too me!
btw i heart oldnavy myself it's pretty much the only clothing store i shop at!