Thursday, February 8, 2007

In honor of the American Heart Association

Later this AM, I am going to get red hair extensions put in my hair in honor of Heart Disease Awareness month. This is a cause very close to my heart as my Pap Pap, my Gram, my Papa, and some other kewl people around me have had some issues with their ticker.

The extensions are not permanent. I can take them out whenever I want but all of the proceeds go to the Heart Association.

I'm soooo psyched about this! I've asked my hairdresser on numerous occasions to put funky colors in my hair and she keeps saying, "Beyond extensions, I'm not doing that to you". So...I get to have colour in my hair! AND..wait for it....they do PINK extensions in October in honor of Breast Cancer. I am so there.

And then I can join the other person in my household who has colour in their hair..and no, I'm not talking about JiJi or BayBay. It's amazing what someone will do for a $100 bet.

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