Saturday, February 10, 2007

Beach bound again...

So I'm puttering around, getting ready to head down to Hilton Head to chill w/ the gparents. Hilton Head is truly one of my favoritest places on the planet.

Here is a shot of Dolphin Head in Hilton Head Plantation. When I lived on HHI, I'd ride my bike up to Dolphin Head and sit and look out and wonder what life was going to be like for me in the future. It's a good spot for pondering.

I'm also psyched b/c my dearest friend, Patti Annell is going to be in Savannah on Sunday.

Here is a pic of her getting friendly w/ "Spike" from Buffy. I swear she looks like she could eat him alive in this pic but that is so her :). She's in town to speak at a conference so Liver and I are going over to see her and have dinner. And hopefully not get lost and get our hubcaps stolen in Savannah. We tried to go to Lady and Sons to see one of my culinary heros but they aren't open on Sunday evenings.

Anyhoo..I guess I better get a move on. I have a road trip to start, some satelite music to rock out to, and some outlets to peruse.


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