Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Update on Pants de Nana

Cooter spoke with Dr. Weinkle this morning and BayBay kitty is up, alert, and cleaning in her cage. He is attempting to find her chart from five years ago to follow through with her care. Right now, she is stable, and probably very cranky and the plan is to keep her under observation and then discharge her home to our care tomorrow.

As for what caused the seizures, it is unknown at this point. It's possible that this in an indication of things to come; it's possible that this is scar tissue left over from five years ago. It's very unclear at this point but our little girl is a fighter and she will be home with us soon. I post this here because I'm working in my practice, on about maybe 3 hours of sleep, and am in the midst of trying to rearrange things tomorrow so I can be home the whole day with her when she comes home.
Thank you for the wonderful comments and prayers. We need them! And we love you!


cannamoma said...

if it helps i know your pain... our family dog maggie( a collie) has seizures too, it' so sad. she was diagnosed with eplipeisy(however you spell it)
BayBay is in my prayers for you!

Betty Graham said...

I have been praying all morning for our Bay Bay
If your papa and I can help, let us know.Love y`all and the kitty babies