Thursday, November 20, 2008

In which....

La'Fru buys some awesome handmade gift cards to go with her knitted goodness gifts!

I am hella-tried. I'm seeing people, teaching H20 class this afternoon, and then headed to band practice for prolly more than two hours b/c it's the dress rehearsal for our concert tomorrow evening at Lexington Baptist Church. I keep wanting to type, "no rest for the wicked" but I'm not wicked..I'm precious and chosen.

At AAP in Savannah, I was told about the author Anne LaMott and decided to check out her books in the library. I love them! I'm listening to Grace (Eventually) in my car. It's read by the author and I just love it..LOVE it!! Oh, and my car..well....she's awesome..just plain awesome. She doesn't shake like she's got tourette's anymore. The headlights don't vibrate when I'm driving at night now. I think Betterhalf and I figured out that the engine mount has prolly been cracked for the last four years and we didn't know it...or no one we took it to could tell us.

I'm also reading Traveling Mercies by Anne LaMott and it just touches my heart! These books will be the next ones I buy used from BetterWorld books. If anyone would like to buy them for me for Christmas, here is the cheapest way to do it. A client told me about this site and I am hooked. You get free shipping and the sale of the books go to fund literacy. And since most of you know that in my last life, I was prolly a hot librarian, you know that I'm passionate about all things reading.

1 comment:

cannamoma said...

wow ! those are so awesome!