Saturday, December 15, 2007

I'm not o'fukin-kay :(

I'm not okay; in fact, I'm pretty freakin' angry. I talked to my Dad yesterday for an update on my Grams and was not happy AT ALL with what I was told.

  • Grams is now no longer a viable candidate for hip replacement surgery because of her need to be on blood thinners and her recent mini-stroke.
  • How the bone doc decided this now confounds me. I asked about trying different blood thinners and my Dad agreed that he didn't understand why that wasn't an option.
  • So basically it's okay for a 79 year old woman to just rehab her broken hip? WTF??!!
  • It's okay for Grams to go into a skilled nursing facility and rehab her broken hip? Am I the only one who thinks that's insane?
So I'm pissed because this means a few things for us:
  • We've all agreed that 2007 has been a shit year for the King Family. We had hoped that next year would be better. Not gonna happen now that Grams will be in a facility down on Hilton Head, rehabing a fukin' broken hip. Rehab could take up to 3 months.
  • This also means that for the first quarter of the year, we will have to juggle schedules to have someone be down on the island or within reach if she needs something.
  • "Why, Fru, does this screw you?" you may ask. Well, I'll tell you: After my birthday on January 19th, I hate the winter. The only thing that makes it bearable are my darling husband's birthday on the 17th of February. Add to that the 1 year anniversary of the death of my Pap Pap, getting the news from the IRS that we owe them big $$ because I wasn't able to do estimated tax payments because of our financial situation, trying to maintain a full practice and well...I'm screwed. Add to that that I'm following WW diligently, exercising, and I now have stretch marks on my stomach and the fact that my PCP isn't a good fit for me and well...another recipe for disaster.
I know I need to be supportive of my family. I know that my Dad has been through a lot with this year. But I want to yell at him, "Get Grams the F!@K off of Hilton Head and away from those Quacks, NOW!!". And while I alluded to that, he said, "I can't; she's my mother.". And I have to respect his decisions.

So Merry freakin' Christmas. So much for having a peaceful holiday season. Don't leave me comments about all things in God's time because I don't want to hear them right now. This is MY space in the universe to bitch, throw temper tantrums, cry, whine and dammit...I'm going to do it.

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